Monday, October 29, 2012

Unlock iOS6 on iPhone 4 & 3GS Using UltraSn0w Fixer

Kali ini penulis mencoba membagi tutorial unlocking iPhone 4 & 3GS yang Running iOS 6 dengan UltraSn0w Fixer. Lansung saja ya penulis tulis step-stepnya

note: *UltraSn0w Fixer hanya bisa digunakan pada iPhone 4 dan 3GS yan support dengan baseband

  • 01.59.00
  • 04.26.08
  • 05.11.07
  • 05.13.01
  • 05.12.01
  • 06.15.00
Dan tentu saja iOS 6 anda sudah harus di jailbreak. Untuk sementara jailbreak iOS 6 masih tethered. jika sudah Untethered penulis akan beritahu caranya disini

berikut step by step guide

  1. Buka Cydia,Manage lalu pilih Sources.
  2. Tambahkan repository parelhos. Pilih Edit kemudian Add kemudian pilih Add Source

  3. Kemudian download iteration of UltraSn0w dari Cydia.(UltraSn0w harus diinstal terlebih dahulu jika tidak, tidak akan berhasil)
  4. Sekarang download UltraSn0w Fixer verso 6.0 dari Cydia.Kemudian Instal.
  5. Cydia Will do a rest :)
That's it You Have Unlocked the iPhone

Sumber Tulisan:

Repository iparelhos

UltraSn0w Fixer versi 6.0.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Langkah-langkah Jailbreak iOS 6 (Tethered on iPhone & iPod Touch (A4))

sekitar tanggal 14 oktober kemarin, iPhone dev team telah mengupdate RedSnow ke publik untuk iOS 6.
RedSnow seri terbaru kali ini versi 0.9.15b1.Kelemahannya Jailbreak kali ini masih tethered. dengan kata lain batere iOS tidak boleh sampai habis. jika habis harus dipancing ulang dengan RedSnow tadi.

Supported devices

  • Untuk jailbreak kali ini baru support devices dengan Chip Apple A4 A.K.A iPod Touch generasi ke 4,iPhone 4, dan iPhone 3GS.
  • Device dengan Chip Apple A5 belom support(iPhone 4S,iPad 2 & 3)
  • Device dengan chip A6 juga belom support (iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5th Gen)

*note:sebelum jailbreak Back-Up semua data yang ada pada device anda. Penulis tidak bertanggung terhadap kerusakan yang terjadi pada Device iOS anda. DO WITH YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!

  1. Download RedSnow versi 0.9.15b1 Pilih salah satu -----> Windows atau Mac OS X.
  2. Download iOS 6 yang sudah disediakan di Blog ini. Jika iOS anda sudah menggunakan iOS 6 bisa lanjut ke nomer 3
  3. Setelah Di Download buka redsnow tadi. jika di windows jangan lupa Run As Administrator.
  4. Pilih Jailbreak, lalu pilih cydia, dan kemudian masuk ke DFU mode. cara masuk ke DFU mode dijelaskan di on screen RedSnow.RedSnow akan mulai menjailbreak dengan Limera1n Exploit. Ketika selesai pilih "Autoboot this devices when it connects to DFU Mode" option untuk masuk ke tethered
How To boot your devices tethered on iOS 6:
karena jailbreak iOS  ini tethered ,anda harus booting tethered mode setiap iOS anda kehabisan batere. Booting sangat mudah bisa dibuka lewat RedSnow: Clcik pada "Extras" pada menu utama dan pilih just boot. ikuti perintah on the screen. ketika sudah iOS anda akan boot normal seprti biasa.

Sumber tutorial:
RedSnow 0.9.15b1

Pilih "Just Boot" untuk booting normal jika iOS anda mati karena kehabisan batere.

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Steve Jobs In Memoriam & 13 best Memorial Quotes

Hari ini tanggal 5 november tepat 1 tahun yang Lalu Apple CEO Steve Jobs meninggalkan kita semua.Siapa yang tidak kenal steve jobs.Dialah orang yang menurut saya berhasil merubah dunia dengan gadget buatan dia.Sebut saja komputer Mac,teknologi What You See Is What You Get,pemutar musik  iPod,tablet iPad dan Smartphone iPhone.Steve Jobs divonis penyakut kangker.sebenarnya dia sudah divonis cukup  lama.dan berita kematiannya menyebar ke seluruh dunia.Tapi beberapa bulan kemudian dia muncul kembali ke panggung dan memberi tahu bahwa berita kematiannya adalah HOAX

beberapa tahun kemudian Steve jobs mengumumkan pengundur diriannya menjadi Apple  CEO.Dia menyampaikan itu pada sebuah acara Event Apple tahun 2011 silam.Dan kemudian Tim Cook lah yang menjadi nahkoda Apple sampai denga sekarang.Sejak saat itu,badan steve sudah terlihat sangat kurus.Mungkin dia sudah tidak sanggup lagi melawan kanker yang dideritanya selama bertahun-tahun.

Tanggal 4 Septmber (kalo penulis tidak salah) Apple secara resmi mengumumkan iPhone terbaru mereka ke publik(iPhone 4S).Dan saat peluncuran itu,Tim Cook lah yang melakukan presentasi Event tersebut.Agak aneh meilhat opening itu dilakukan oleh Tim cook.Karena biasanya Steve Jobs Lah yang melakukan pembukaan.Hari Keesokannya,Seluruh dunia berduka.Karena mereka kehilangan salah satu orang Briliant yang telah merubah dunia.

Dan dari tulisan ini Penulis ingin mengucapkan:

"Terima Kasih Steve Jobs atas apa yang kau lakukan dan anda katakan selama ini."

penulis juga ingin membagikan kepada para pembaca tentang 13 Quote dari Mendiang Steve Jobs yang penulis dapat dari bussinessinsider

  1. It Takes These Very Simple Minded Instructions -Go fetch a number, put the result there, perceive if it's greater than this other number- But Executes them at a rate, let's say 1,000.000 per second. At 1,000,000 per second, the result appear to be magic [Playboy, Februari 1 1985]
  2. It's Really Hard to design Products by focis Groups. A lot of time,People don't know what they want until you show it to them [BusinessWeek, May 25 1998]
  3. Do You want to spend of your life selling sugared water or do you change the world? [The Line he used to lure John Sculley into becoming Apple's CEO  according to Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple]
  4. I'm the Only person I know that's lost quarter of a billion dollars in one year...It's very character-building [Apple Confidential 2.0]
  5. That's been one on my mantras - Focus and Simplicity. Simple can be harder Than Complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move Mountains.[BusinessWeek May 25 1998]
  6. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me...Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful...That's what matters to me/[The Wall Street 25 May 1993]
  7. This is not a one-man show.What's reinvigorating this company is two things: One,there's a lot of really talented people in this company who listened to  the world tell them they were losers for a couple years and some of them were on the verge of starting to believe it themselves. But The're not losers. What they didn't have a was a good set of coaches, a good plan. A good senior managemenet team. But they have that now.
  8. Playboy: Are you saying that people who made PCjr don;t have that kind of prode in the product?" Jobs: "If The did, they wouldn't have made the PCjr. [Playboy February 1 1985]
  9. I'll Always stay connected with Apple. I Hope that throughout my life I'll sort of have the thread of apple weave in and out of each other, like tapestry. There may be a few years when I'm not there, but I'll always come back. [Playboy February 1 1985]
  10. You  can't connect the dots looking forward; you  can only connect them looking backwards. So you have ti trust that the dots will somehow connect in your  future. You have to trust in something - your gut,life,karma,whatever. This Approach has never let me down,and it has made all the difference in my life [Stanford commencement speech, June 2005]
  11. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way  to be truly satisfied is  to do what you believe is great work.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking/ Don;t settle. As with all maters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And. like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep lookinguntil you find it. Don't Settle. [Stanford commencement, June 2005]
  12. No One wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very like likely the single best invention of life. it is life's change agent. it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.[ Stanford commencement speec, June 2005]
  13. I think if you do something and turns out pretty good,then you should go do  something else wonderful,not dwell on it for too long.Just figure out what's next.

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